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Giving Day 2025


Campaign ends Tuesday, March 18th, 2025, 11:59 pm EDT

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (605)

All (605)
Aaron Asaro
From San Diego, CA, thank you SJCME
Abbi Harbeson
Abby O'Brien
In honor of SJC Women’s Track and Field Team
In honor of the SJC Women’s Track and Field Team. Here’s to a record breaking, award winning, unforgettable season. 🥇I love you ladies!💙
Abby O'Brien
Adam Nelson
Addie Carter
Adeena McManus
Alan and Robin Lapoint
Alejandro Pepino
In honor of Michael Harrington
Ali Spurgin
Alison Nason
AlliedCook Construction
Allison Viger
Amanda Cross
Amanda Hutchins
Ameenah Mejia
Andrea Vianello
I love SJCME!
Andrew Morris
Angie Moorman
In honor of Liz Wiesen's years of service to SJC
Aniko Pongratz
My daughter loves St. Joes!
Anischa Duah
Anita Wyman
Ann Marie McLaughlin
Ann Rosenfield
In honor of Joseph E. Holliday
In memory of Joseph E. Holliday
Ann Sucha
Anna Brookes
Anne Carr
Anne Chrzan
This is a way to tithe to St Joseph Community for the gifts the faculty, students, and staff gave me over this past year of employment!
Anne DeSantis
Anne Noyes
In honor of Walker Noyes
Thank you to SJCME for your online degree programs
Anne Ogg
Anne Wood
Annette Roy
Antony Girlando
Azhar Ali
Thank you for you do!
BJ Warming
In honor of Jacob Schmader
Lets Go Monks 💙 T&F
BJ Warming
Barbara Deveau
Education is a key to a successful life
Barbara Halle
Barbara Lajoie
Barbara McClary
Barbara Paxson
Barbara Scicchitano
I want to represent PA in the 50 states challenge.
Bebron Lames
Becky Thompson
Bern & Mary Bernacki
In honor of Dr Luc Bernacki
Recognizing tireless efforts to advance the mission of St Joe’s and to personalize the experience of each student.
Bernice Bradin
Bernie Scheffler
SJC's online programs are excellent, and should be better known in all 50 states!
Beth Ann Simno
I give because of the wonderful experience I had at St. Joseph's. I am so grateful for all the wonderful teachers and professors who assisted me in achieving my goal.
Board of Trustees
Bob Chaddock
Bob Zilg
Bradley Goulet
In honor of Michael Goulet
Brenda & Geoffrey Beard
Brett O’Kelly
In memory of Pam Alberti
In memory of Pam Alberti, a longtime, and very proud, supporter of SJC and its mission. Pam’s involvement with the Alumni Board is missed.
Brian Horne
Brian Mase
I’m so grateful to SJC for my education and proud to be a Monk!!
Brooke Biswanger
Brooke Teller
Bruce Campbell
In honor of Brian Campbell
St Joes is a special place with great people!
Bruce Weaver
Caitlin Eldridge
Camilla Bridge
Our community is full of beautiful hearts and minds learning to use their gifts and talents to make a difference in a world that needs them.
Carl Becker & Katherine Castree
Carl Howell
Carly Downey
Carol Anne Colone
Carol Lachance RSM
Carol Strobeck
Carol Walth
Caroline Eddens
Love the opportunity to give back to SJC!
Carrie May
Cassie Leech
Catherine Deans
Cathy Spurling
Cecilia & David Martin
Celeste Philibert
Celine Champine
Chantal and Greg Scott
St. Joseph’s College is a beautiful Private College that shares many of it’s incredible amenities with It’s Students and it’s Community: top notch Education opportunities, Sports and up-to-date Facilities. the Arts, a beautiful Campus including Sebago Lake waterfront, and of course the gorgeous Stone Barn. Thank you St. Joe’s!
Charles Leach
Let’s go Monks!!
Charles Marquardt
Chelsea Welch
In honor of Ann, Kelly, Leslie, Liz, and all of the hardworking Advancement staff. Miss you all!
Chelsea Wilson
Cheryl Michael
Chris Fuller and Martha Gonzalez
Chris Lindahl
Chris Lyons
Chris Theodores
Thankful for this community!! Go Monks!!
Christina Joyce
Christina Maguire
Christina Maguire
In memory of Sister Mary Jude Murphy
Your guidance, kindness, and mentorship forever changed my life.
Christine Bottcher
Christine Price
Christopher Willer
SJC is a Special Place with Special People!
Cindy & Shawn Wilkie
Congrats to the 2025 graduates including our amazing daughter, Lily:-)
Claire Kubasik
Colleen Shea Hallee
Collin Coppinger
Connor Rague
Constance Fourney
Constance Goldman
In honor of The Sisters of Mercy
The Sisters gave me a great deal and I'm happy to give what I can.
Corinne Robinson
In memory of My sister Doreen
Courtney Pingree
Craig & Angela Becker
Craig & Elaine Bogdanski
Go Monks!
Cris Soulia
Cynthia Buoye
Cynthia Fullerton
Cynthia Smalls Middleton
Dale Brooker
With deep gratitude to our amazing faculty (past & present) who continue to provide an invaluable learning experience for our students 🙏
Dale Jarvis
In honor of Sr Euphrasia, RSM
Dale Tardif
Dan Marques
Dan Y
Daniel Noel
In memory of Fr. Daniel Hickey CSsR
Dante Roselli
SJC athletes deserve the world.
Dave McElhinny
In honor of Bernice Bradin, Trustee
David Bouffard
In honor of Father Patrick Finn
David Lischer
In memory of Sue McAuliffe
Sue represented everything that makes Saint Joe's the special place that it is. Kind, thoughtful, generous of spirit, with a bright and mischievous wit! Her contributions to this community live on.
David Lischer
In honor of Liz Wiesen
In honor of Liz's 25+ years of incredible service to Saint Joe's.
David Roling
David Roussel
DeAnn Daigle
Dean Paonessa
Deanna St Germain
In honor of Sr Phyllis Doyle
Debbie Moore
So lucky to have SJC as a great local community citizen. SJC Strong!
Deborah Breton
Deborah Dorman
In memory of Rick Dorman
Deborah Lang
Debra Covell
Debra Fournier
Grateful for my education and support from my faculty.
Dee Pallante
Denise and Michael Bouvier
Denise and Michael Bouvier
Proud parents!!
Diana Padua
Diane Atwood
In honor of Sr. Mercedes
Getting a degree at St. Joseph's opened a new world for me.
Diane Fongemie
Hope you meet your goal!
Donald Flanagan
Donna & chuck Mack
Donna Berry
Donna Cabral
Donna Crowley
Donna Persak Slater
In memory of William J. Persak
Donna Wilson
Dorothy Regan
In honor of David Driscoll
Doug Kiley
In honor of the many people who give their time, talent and treasure to Saint Joseph's College of Maine.
Dr. Andorra & Dr. Steven Foley
Dr. Margaret Hourigan
Dr. Michael Connolly
Dr. Sally White
Ed Ducey
Edna Flaherty
May St. Joseph's College continue to flourish and produce excellent students!
Edward Rielly
Having taught at Saint Joseph's for forty years, I care a great deal about its continued success.
Eileen Ginnetty
Elizabeth Cummons
Feeling grateful today as I give back to a place that shaped so much of who I am. St. Joseph’s College gave me an incredible education, lifelong friendships, and experiences that helped me grow into the person I am today. I’m so thankful for the memories, the lessons, and the community that continues to mean so much to me.
Elizabeth Mallett
Elizabeth Meservey
Elizabeth Paroli & Wayne Kezirian
Elizabeth Schran
In memory of Carlene Lemieux
In memory of Carlene, a staff member who served SJC with enthusiasm for many years.
Elizabeth Schran
In memory of Sue McAuliffe
In memory of my friend, Sue McAuliffe, who gave selflessly to SJC for 38 years--a devoted staff member who treasured every alum. May she rest in peace.
Elizabeth Stark
My daughter is having a wonderful experience so far, educationally and socially. We love it!!
Ellen Long RN
I want to thank St Joes for the many experiences thru the years. The wonderful education and the numerous friend that were made.
Ellen Theodores
Congratulations to the Class of 2025!!
Emily Lesher
Eric Balli
Saint Joseph's College of Maine provided me a way to earn my B.S. in General Studies online while I was serving in the Air Force.
Eric Klein
Erica Gabbianelli
Erica Russi
Erica Vari-Taylor
St. Joseph's College was good to me. May someone else have the same experience!
Erik Naslund
I firmly believe in the SCJ community and the positive environment that my son is experiencing both in the classroom and on the baseball field.
Eugene Kiley
Keep up the great work!
FL Putnam Investment Management Company
Frances Rice
Francisca Donato
Frank & Jean Cody
Fred Yochum
Out of gratitude for the Sisters of Mercy
Garrett VanAtta
I give because of the many opportunities that SJCME offers to the students, faculty, staff, Town of Standish, and the entire community!
Gary Stevens
I care about advancing mission of the college and supporting the students who attend it. Saint Joseph's College of Maine is a special place that creates a caring support system for all who live and work here.
Gerald Gabel
Geraldine Young
Glenn Doran
Glennell Munne
Thank SJCME for opening the world to me.
Gloria L. Clough
Gregg Skinner
St Joseph pray for us.
Gregory Ollick
As a former student and an online faculty member, I'm glad to help the school. SJC is an experience of a lifetime. It's a fabulous community!
Gregory Teegarden
I believe in the Mission, and I love our students
Griffin Forbes
Let’s Go SJC Mens Soccer
Gweneth Johnson
Representing the Sunshine State of Florida, I am proud to be an alum of SJC (2023). Beautiful campus, wonderful staff and faculty who are educating the future leaders of tomorrow. I'm grateful to be a part of it all. Good luck to you and God bless!
Haley Nason
Haley Thompson
I am so thankful and proud to be part of the SJC community! Amazing students, dedicated faculty and staff, supportive families, engaged alumni, loyal friends, invested Trustees, and the ever inspiring Sisters...what a truly special place!
Hanna Holden
Harvey Morrill
Heather Rumery
Heidi Jacques
Helen Clauson
In honor of Ann Marie Albert
Henry Padgett
Others gave before me
Hilary Lamkin
Humberto Dos Santos
In honor of Rion dos Santos
Congrats for your commitment and passion for soccer during your college years!
In Memory of Flo Dussault
In memory of Florence Dussault
Flo was an SJC alum. A proficient nurse...devoted wife and mother of 3...a great friend... a person.. Always positive and willing to help....
Irene Preuss
J. Bonnie Newman
In memory of William & Louise Newman
With gratitude to SJC and the Sisters of Mercy.
Hope other online grad students can benefit as I did from a Saint Joseph's education!
Keep the mission and spirit of SJC alive.
Jackie Cattabriga
In honor of The entire SJC Community, past, present and future. Go Monks!
Jackie J. LeCompte
In honor of Sister George O’Toole
So proud to be an alumni of SJC!
Jacob Pelletier
Jacqueline Moreau
Loved my college years.
Jaime Stevens
Jake Thibault
“Charity is victorious over all.” — St. John Chrysostom
James Baker
I give because my daughter is having a great experience at St. Joseph's College of Maine. Go Monks!
James Killoran
In honor of in memory of Diana Torres Killoran
bless SJC....
James Paruk
Keep up the good work!
James Tanner
Jamie Collins
Janet Elwell
Go Monks and SJC Baseball!!!
Janice Kiley
In honor of Eugene F. Kiley III
I hear such fine things about Saint Joseph’s College!
Janice M Rey
Janice Taylor
Janie Joyce
Janine Mason
Jason Cassette
I like to support SJC and their work!
Jason Fontaine
Jay Pingree
Jean Lockington
great institution
Jean Marchant
In honor of Elisabeth Stapelfeld
Jean Wheelis
Go Monk’s!!!
Jeanette Kessler
In honor of Deanna St. Germain
Jeanne St Amand
Community exercise classes appreciated
Jeff & Theresa Moody
Jenelle Harris
Go Monks!
Jenna Chase
Go Monks!
Jennifer Fitzpatrick
Jennifer Greenley
Jennifer Lafrance
Jennifer Thibodeau
Jenny Ketch and Daryl Batoosingh
Jessica Ayo-Rioux
Jessica Dionne
Jessica Noonan
Supporting the hard working staff, faculty and students! Go Monks!
Jill Martin
Jill Targett
SJC prepared me to earn my Masters Degree in Biology, thereby launching my career as a Science educator.
Jim Kelley
Jim durgin
Jimmy Richeson
Jimmy Riley
JoAnn Chase
In memory of Ray Chase my husband
Ray passed away January 28,2024. He was a 8th grade History teacher. I loved my distance Education with St. Joseph and the summer I spent on campus for classes. We both believed very much about education.I got a degree in HeathCare Administration.I was already an RN when I continued my studies with you. I have been retired from Nursing for several years. Ray enjoyed the times we returned to campus for Alumni weekends in the summer. I am happy to help others pursue their further education. Thank you.
Joanne Bean
In honor of Sisters of Mercy and SJC Advancement Staff - Go Monks!
Johan Erikson
In memory of Anne Erikson, SJC class of 1979
John & Jeanne Barbati
John & Missy Adams
Thank you for all you do.... Monks Nation!!!
John & Susan Scheinman
John Kenneally
In honor of Jennifer Kenneally
Monks for life!!
John Lyons
In honor of Kathleen Scott Lyons
John McManus class of 25'!
Thank you!
John Sullivan
In honor of Ryan Sullivan
John Wilson
Silver sneakers and community support.
Jon and Cindy Smith
Jonathan Greven
Go Monks!
Joseph Cassidy
Saint Joseph's College is full of tremendous people and that makes for the most special higher education community I have ever experienced!
Joseph Gallagher
Joseph Loughlin
SJC changed my life and many others. Let’s keep it going.
Josh Martell
Joy Pulsifer
Judi Ryan
Judith A Davis
In memory of Everett A Davis
Judith Crager
I loved my years at St. Jose’s. Good luck on making this years goal.
Judy Graham
Judy Graham
In honor of all the dedicated and hard-working faculty/staff at St. Joe's
Julie Anctil
Julie Happy
In memory of Guy Happy
My dad was so proud of me and my academic accomplishments. I would not have been so driven to improve my mind without his encouragement.
Julie Karns
In memory of Susan McAuliffe
June Hoffman
Justin Precourt
Justin Tapley
Karen Croteau
I believe in SJc’s mission!
Karen DeMeo
Karen Dostie
In memory of Joseph and Theresa Dostie (parents)
Their dream of sending me to St. Joseph's certainly changed my life for the better. I want to support the next generation of St. Joseph students.
Kari Plouffe
My time at SJCME was also paid for and assisted with by donors and I could never truly thank them for what it meant to me.
Karl Virgin
In honor of B.I. ”Tina" Virgin
Karon Caudell
I wanted to be sure Sc was represented
Katherine Crandall
Kathi Lucas
Kathleen Campbell
It’s a great school loved the small school atmosphere when I was enrolled
Kathleen Hamel
Kathleen O'Brien
Kathleen Reiner
Kathleen Taylor
Katrina Mack
Kelle Wood
Kelly Gerrish
In honor of Abby O'Brien
So honored to be your Auntie ❤️
Kelly McKellar
Kelly Webster
Kendra Rickwald
Grateful to have a family in Maine at St. Joe's! From online to in-person on campus, I have much to be thankful for. My SJC professors helped nurture my calling and I'm excited to see what comes next! Go Monks!
Kenneth Marino
In memory of Sr. Mary Kneeland
Kerry King
Kevin Frazier
In honor of Saint Joseph and Father Finn. Keep up the good work!
Kevin Howley
Happy to provide my support to SJC! Keep up the amazing work you do!
Kevin Purdy
Kimberlee Powers
Kimberly Molineaux
Kimberly Nickels
Kimberly Russell
Kobe Bryant
Kris Mason
Kristen Crawford
Kristen Filbeck
Kristen Stella
In memory of Jerry Bowes
Kurt Christiansen
Laura Sullivan
Laura Swanson
Lauren Lulofs
Laurie Nagi
Leanne Burnham
Leslie Nee
Liam Skinner
Liane Hamann
Lillian Donnelly
Keep on educating our future nurses
Lillian Souweine
Linda Lebo
Linda Morris
Lindsay Drumm
Lisa Foley
In honor of Liam Foley ‘25 and SJC Soccer
Celebrating life long connections! GO MONKS!
Lisa Rodrigue
I Love our Saint Joseph's Community! President Joseph Cassidy is the BEST!
Loreen MacNichol
Ever grateful for my St. Joe's education and the Sisters of Mercy!
Louis Citrano
In honor of Dr. and Mrs. Sam Citrano
Glad to be a Monk (And a Deacon, lol) Deacon Louis Citrano 00, 07
Louise Rochette
In memory of Sister Anna McNaughton
Lucas Bernacki
I give because the SJC community lives its mission. Its commitment to developing compassionate critical thinkers is as important now as ever. Fortitudo et Spes!
Lynelle Leclair
Lynn M Brown
Madi Scott
Go SJC Wlax!!
Mame Mynahan Bonneau
Marcus Barresi
Marcus Benson
Marcy & Bobby Sansone
Maren Mcgillicuddy
Margaret Zottoli-Plante
Margot Cosentino
Marie Howatt
Marie Snow
Marion Costanza
Mark Davis
Mark Duval
Mark Green
I love student athletes and their dedication to sports and academics
Mark Hibben
In memory of Stuart G Hibben
Mark Russell
In memory of Harriette W Russell
Mark Wyman
Marsha Solder
Martha Patterson
In memory of Ceceilia & Joseph Coury
Martha Redd
Marty and Heather Mullen
Mary Alyce Knightly
Mary Ann Padgett
Mary Campbell-Barry
Mary Ellen Cafiso
Saint Joe’s is a special place, filled with special people. Best of luck to the hardworking Advancement Team!
Mary Fasulo
I pray you reach your goal of a donation from every state so that you will receive that $50,000 donation! God bless all the good work you do with the students!
Mary Mahan
In honor of VNA of Cape Cod-PHW Dept
Mary Pat FitzGibbons
Keep up the good work!
Mary Quinn
May you be doubly blessed!
Mary Rowland
Mary Sullivan
Matt Cassidy
Matt Hanson
I want future student to have the same experience as I did. Well worth every minute and penny. Make the Monks Esports org great again!
Matt Thompson
Matthew Ginnetty
In memory of Joseph R. Gallagher Class of 1978
Matthew Hart
In honor of Dr. Loring E. Hart
Matthew Lapoint Lapoint
In honor of Alan Lapoint
Matthew Morse
Matthew Richards
Maureen & Jim Reis
Maureen ORourke
In memory of Sr.Consuela
Meg Leach
Meg Shorette
Megan Levesque
Go Monks!
Meghan Hoppe
Meghan O'Reilly DeCenzo
to support the amazing group of students at SJC- Go Monks!
Melissa Forbes
Big shout out to the Mens Soccer team and all the other student athletes
Melissa Smith
To advance Healthcare Education.
Michael & Cynthia Mulhare
Michael Burleson
Monks XC/TF Let’s Go!!
Michael Hay
In memory of John Waldron, Mike Fiore and Steve McGinn
Michael Page
Michael Shea
Michael Skowronski
Michael Theriault
Love the leadership our student athletes give, keep up the hard work!
Michael Theriault
SJC has been so welcoming, love it here!
Michele Aronica,RSM
Greatly appreciate what SJC has done for me and countless others which I’ve witnessed through the years as a student, alum, faculty member and sister of mercy.
Michele Grant
Michelle Laughran
Michelle Wingate
Mike & Margaret McDevitt
Miriam T. Callnan
In memory of Sue McAuliffe
The SJC mission is needed more than ever now and into the future!
Mona Raborn
Monique LaRocque
Mylan Bannon
I give because I believe SJC sets students up to fulfill their potential!
Naino Leo
Nancy Ballenger
Nancy Pagurko
Natalie Sheldon
Nathan Martell
Nelda Booker
Norma Johnsen
Norway Savings Bank
Olga Felton
Pat Gould
With each year the values, friendships, and memories that began at St. Joseph's deepen and become more meaningful. May this continue for many years to come.
Patricia (Brackett) Vona
In honor of Elizabeth Schran
For all her hard work at SJCME!
Patricia Quinn
I love St Joseph's Please keep religion in school
Patricia Stack
Patrick & Andrea Carey
Patrick Finn
Patriot Mechanical
Paul Hoffman
Paul Provencal
Great school Good cause
Paula Bretz
To have this opportunity for distance education was a blessing for me.
Paula Tamm
Perry Sutherland
Peter Geiger
Phyllis Harmon
Priscilla & David Caza
Rachel Katyl
Proud to be part of the Advancement team here @ SJC! :-)
Rachel Riley
In honor of Dr. Liz Wiesen
Rachel Smith
In honor of Matt Rairdon
Ramon Briones
Randy Moore
Rebecca Compton
Rebecca Hetrick
Rebecca Lane Bryant
Rebecca Lenhard
Regina Smick-Attisano
In honor of Class of 2020 Health & Wellness graduates
Renee LeBrun
In honor of Sr. Mary George O'Toole
Glad to help out. I miss working at SJC.
Richard Birdsall
Richard Kiley
Richard Mason
Rick Dodge
Ricky Escobar
I received a great education and want to give back!
Rita McKeehan-Neace
SJC is a great educational institution.
Rob Poissant
In giving we receive
Robert Clifford
Robert Couture
Great school my son graduated in 22
Robert Masella
Robert R White
Robin Haley
Robyn Jackson
Ronald Woodard
I support the mission and vision of St. Joseph's College of Maine for the Distance Education programs.
Rosanne Botto
In honor of Joseph & Germaine Botto
My parents were always supportive of the college and it's my honor to continue this support.
Rosemary & Richard Conway
Ruth Slaton
Thanks to St. Joseph's, I've had a long and fulfilling career in education.
Ryan Parker
This gift is dedicated to Giving Day this year, but all glory and honor go to our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
S Kathleen Smith
In memory of S Mary Mary Barrett
who always believed in me! "Go stand at the window and recite!"
Sam Marr
Sandra & Peter Bowen
Sandra Krutz
As an RN working full time at St Joseph's, I had the opportunity to further my education, and as a bonus, I spent three weeks in Maine.
Sandra Raymond
Sandra Ricker
Great school, enjoyed visiting with Tyler and taking about his experience at Saint Joe’s College of Maine
Sarah Hotchkiss
Sarah McEachin
the SJC community is a special place… online and on campus.
Seabee Electric
Sean Forbes
For all the amazing SJC athletes, especially the Mens Soccer Team
Sevee & Maher Engineers
Sharon Capps
In memory of Ralph Capps my husband
He supported and encouraged me through all of my educational achievements
Sharon Lilley
In memory of Earl Louis Lilley
My late husband gave me much support in becoming a student of St. Joseph's, both emotionally, financially and in some cases a good study partner!
Sharon Stormer
In honor of all external degree graduates
Shaw Earthworks
Shawn Sheehan
We are blessed to be a part of our amazing community. Shawn & Shiela Sheehan
Shelley Cook
Sheri Piers
go monks!
Simon Gonzalez
Simply Pest Solutions
Sister Margaret Coyne
In honor of Dr.Karen Lemke
Dr. Lemke was a great support to me when I joined the Education Department. She challenged me to be top educator who put high expectations on the students.
Sister Mary Miller, RSM
Smith Nephew Matching donation-T. O'Reilly
Sophia Viger
Spencer Nagi
Sr Mary Morey
In memory of Sr Mary Kneeland
Sr. Mary Kneeland loved the College students in her many years in the finance office and later as a volunteer
Sr. Carol LeTourneau, RSM
Sr. Catherine M. Walsh, RSM
Sr. Ellen Turner, RSM
Sr. Janet Campbell, RSM
Sr. Karen Hopkins RSM
Sr. Maria Ricci, RSM
Sr. Marilyn Sunderman
In honor of all the students I have taught in the last 30 years!!!!
Sr. Mary George O'Toole, RSM
Sr. Patricia Pora, RSM
Sr. Priscilla Murray, RSM
Staci Benjamin
Stefania Strzalkowska
Stephanie Feyler
Go Monks!
Stephanie Gurski Porciello
In honor of Connie Porciello Young
Class of 1968
Stephanie Poulin
Stephen Sansevere
I owe a great deal to SJC for a quality education in both undergraduate and graduate studies.
Steve Bridge
I truly believe in the future of SJC!
Steve Jury
Steven Doane
Great school and experience
Steven Gilbert
Go Monks Mens Lacrosse!
Sue Sedam
In honor of Of our grandchildren
Susan Bacher
Susan Bonner DEARBORN
In honor of Sr. Mary Jude Murray RSM
Susan Eibel
Susan Jamison
Susan Whitty
I loved my years at Saint Joe's. Sister Consuela was so loving and supportive.
Susanne Sweeney
Suzanna Barrett
❤️Monks Baseball
Suzanne Curra
Suzanne LaCroix
Tamra Burke
Tatyanna Seredin
Taylor Baca
Terese Myatt
Terrence O'Reilly
Hoping this helps all the awesome students, faculty and staff...St Joe's a wonderful place for our son!
Tess Timoshin
The Ayres Family
The community at St. Joseph’s is valuable and needs to remain supported!
The Farrells
In honor of all fathers as a memory to St. Jospeh
Theresa Herbein
Thomas & Diane McDermott
Thomas Driscoll
Thomas E Cusumano
In honor of all USA Military Veterans.
Thomas Rawlings
Timothy & Julie Bailey
In honor of Faith Hanley Bailey
Timothy Garske
Go Monks!
Town Fair Tire
Tricia Leggett
Trident Controls
Troy Hendricks
Troy Hendricks
In honor of Monks Athletics / SJC TF & XC
Tucker Davis
Best of luck to all students in the Sports and Recreational Management Program!
Vanessa L. Cassidy
Verizon Foundation
Veronica Curtis
Veronica Mansfield
Vincent Kiedaisch
Vincent Palange
Let's carry on the tradition of supporting SJC!
Virgina Peters
Virginia BuckleyKessler
Virginia Yazbeck
Wendy Galgan
William Cosentino
I give because I believe in our students at SJC!
William Sullivan
William Watt
William Weisert
I value my time at SJC, and really do miss the fun I had! Have made a return visit and found the changes quite good! The mission of St. Joe's continues to grow, thank you!
William Wieners
Go Monks!
Winnie McMorrow
Wyndee Grosso
1 year to go!
Xavier Michaud
Zinnia Liza White
Eileen wallenhorst
Appreciate the Distance Education experience
George warren
Go Monks
Karen ellsworth
Marcelle landry
Appreciation and Gratitude
Mary mulrow
Patricia majerczak
I'm happy to see my granddaughter enjoying her college experience at St. Joes.
Steve Putnam
In honor of Sister Mary George
In honor of John Bibby
Grateful for my time spent at SJC! Go Monks!
In memory of Sister Mary Kneeland
With hope for tomorrow, I give today fulfilling the dreams of yesterday. May the dreams of a new generation begin to grow and bloom.
I was also there in '83 for the same reasons and had the same experience. It certainly benefitted my career to earn my degree and to meet other like minded nurses.
I received an excellent education in your online master's degree in theology.
Mental health matters!
In honor of In appreciation of the Health and Wellness Department and the support given to the seniors of the community.
To thank all who keep the Alford Center going - the kind students at the front desk, the maintenance crew, and class instructors. A great service to the Windham- Standish senior community.
In memory of Sister Sylvia Comer
In honor of Sister Mary Carmel
Sister Carmel played a significant role in my life.
In honor of Kyle Benson
Support for SJC Scholarship Program and Track and Field
Great college !! Still going!!!
In honor of SJCFH & Coach Lewis
It’s important to support the place who has been the foundation of success for so many of the most important people in our lives!
I want to give back to the student athletes.
You helped nurses of my era to obtain degrees. I took classes by mail (before "online" was invented, and spent one summer of residency at the college to earn the degree. Thanks to you. Even though it was the hottest summer in memory in Maine that year and no A/C in the dorm. : )
I give because I'm so grateful for your support of community members! I access your beautiful athletic facilities regularly. We Silver Sneakers folks are always made welcome with a smile!
Go Monks!
Great school! Good luck 🍀
Saint Joseph’s College of Maine logo
Saint Joseph’s College of Maine
Attn: Office of Institutional Advancement, 278 Whites Bridge Rd, Standish, ME 04084
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